Otherfaith Wiki


The Verzsou Triad is made up of Aster Aira, Casimir, and Neve Winter. The Triad is caught in a reincarnation loop due to Casimir's wish in the River Ophelia. The three are eventually rescued from the loop by other spirits.

The Verzsou Triad create both the Verzsou Red and Verzsou White line of spirits.



the Ophelia and Firebird, seeking to better understand each other, agree to create a child each. The children, they decide, will be sent into a section of the otherworld co-created by the Ophelia and Laetha. Their children will be born as siblings and only peripherally aware of their divine origin, and by observing the two the gods intend to better understand their own conflicts.

Aster Aira is born first; Neve Winter is born a year later, both of them as royalty. The two originally seem to get along and enjoy each other's company, surprising the gods. However, tensions between the two grow as they mature and Aster begins to understand the implication of Neve being given the crown instead of him. Tensions also rise as Aster subtly fights for the attentions of the spirit Casimir, a human assigned to watch over and protect Neve.

Aster effectively wins Casimir's affection and trust, with Neve largely unaware of the resentment growing in her brother. On the eve of Neve's coronation, Aster persuades Casimir to spend the night with him. Instead of seducing him into bed, as usual, he tricks Casimir into a powerful trap of magic, using Casimir's body to summon the sword Casimir is named for. The sword is manifested partially inside Casimir, nearly killing him. Aster leaves his lover half-dead and proceeds to go Neve's room, unhindered in his murder of his younger sister.

Casimir, guilt-stricken, drags himself to the river nearby and drowns himself. Aster is later executed for his murder of Neve.


the Ophelia immediately tends to Neve after she is killed and transported back to the West. She is distracted, however, when Casimir does not turn into dust as intended and instead appears in the West through her River. Unknowing of the truth behind Aster and Neve, he wishes that he could try to save the two siblings. the Ophelia is compelled, since Casimir perished in a river, to grant his wish, though she immediately realizes she's doomed the three spirits to a reincarnation loop.

Aster is transported back to the West after being executed. He assumes that a grand afterlife awaits him, as he views his murder of Neve as reclaiming his proper role in the world and doing honor to the gods. the Ophelia and Firebird both greet him, explaining briefly that he has failed instead of succeeded, and the Ophelia strikes him down in retribution. However, due to Casimir's wish, she has to restore Aster's soul, along with Neve and Casimir's, to the time stream.
