Otherfaith Wiki


the Ophelene is, as the Laethelia, the combined powers of the Ophelia and Clarene and also a separate god. She is the force of holy retribution in the Otherfaith. She protects the weak and stands in the way of oppression. She is most connected to defending women (all women).


Main Article: Holy Houses

the Ophelene's holy household is House Honesty.


Main Article: Courts

the Ophelene rules over Slate Court.

Initiatory Path

Main Article: Initiatory Paths

Those pursuing deeper devotion to the Ophelene learn the path of Sortie - attack and defense.


the Ophelene's epithets include Cruelty Killer, Wise One, Slayer, Guardian of Women, and Protectress of Strength.

Symbols and Correspondences

the Ophelene's associations include armor, swords, halo, and light. Other associations include snakes and horses and the colors white, silver, and grey.
